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  • Writer's pictureThe Feminist Times


I tiptoed from childhood to adulthood,

no conscience of the velvets of maturity,

I thought the velvets were warm & slushy,

instead they tuck like needles in the cavity.

Was ever there the warmth, the softness

or just a dilemma pinning me ?

Floating from the time I played with

barbie shoes,

till the time I was toyed with,

ages never matter, five or fifteen.

Falling slightly like a feather on concrete,

I wondered of escaping,

or was the escape a dilemma holding me

in between?

I walked barefoot on the longest path of


where I saw other women in the middle,

past tattooed on their wrists and pain

shrieking from their eyes.

We were walking and walking.

They told acceptance was a necessity.

Or was acceptance a dilemma ,

tugging me, moving me?

Centuries and centuries have passed

cascading nothing but objectification.

Patriarchy couldn’t even answer,

they remain tongue-tied but

How long is the walk, still the question?

Ancestors lay awake in the grave

still to point fingers,

But darling, aren’t our necks already

surrounded by the albatross of their


The journey seems longer than it is,

we seem to be growing like pansies,

on their barren land of hearts,

melting our emotions, sliding them

between the cracks.

Do you think it will change?

Will we ever lay our souls bare

on the green grass without the

fear of being dried and burned?

Can we surpass their calamity of

opinions ?

Or is the calamity a dilemma,

birthed in me?

- Akanksha Kinwaar

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