Women & Religion?The Feminist Times Sep 21, 20214 min readThe Oppression of women has several bases, none of which can be humanely justified. One ofthem is considered to be Religion. Religious practices are known to have long been inclined tothe patriarchal systems of the society. The key point to know here is that religion and itsperception is based on culture and society, which are known to be patriarchal.The realities of faith and beliefs are to be lived by humans. They cannot be segregated bygender for they are experiences and actions which every individual is entitled and subjected to.It is these instances that religion finds its foundation in. The soul is the matter of concern notthe vessel.And still, Religion is the most commonly given justification for violation of women’s rights.Often, the burden of following rites and rituals falls squarely on the women’s shoulders. Fasts,prayers, ceremonies, etc are very commonly considered to solely be their domain. Severalreligions attribute sexual powers to women, which makes them “lucrative” and “fetching”giving men the power and the suggested right to control them and maintain their “purity” and“sanctity”. This has implications much further than marital relations.Islam is often the prosecuted devil in these discussions. However, the Quran not onlyencourages women to educate themselves but also to live in an unconstrained fashion. Themuch debated Hijab is an active choice according to the Holy Quran, forcing whose donning iscomprehended as a sin. Islam designates the role of the Imam to men exclusively, but apartfrom that, women are encouraged to lead self suffiecient lives, which is often not a privilegethey are afforded. The Sharia Law, which is often the basis of oppression for women, is, againstcommon belief, not applicable as State Law. It is merely a way of life, and cannot be used as anexcuse to limit the possibilities of life for women. To add on, the Islamic Law is determined onthe basis of two sacred Islamic Texts, The Quran and the Sunnah, which is the example of theProphet. A third part of the law determination process is The Ijtihad, the science ofinterpretations and rule making which in all likelihood influenced the thoughts andconceptions of the existing society.In a positive turn, centuries ago, when the society treated women with negligible or even nonexistent regard, Gautam Budhha recognised women as equally rightful parts of society.Certainsects of Buddhism, such as Shin Buddhism, had female founders and later even had women inpositions of leadership and authority. However, Buddhism considers itself a mirror of society,which may be the reason why certain sections still follow a system of exclusive male lineage.Apostle Paul declares in Galatians 3:28 “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longerslave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”. The Biblestates that women have the same spiritual gifts as men, leaving no foundations for women tobe barred from holding important positions. However, since men have historically beenafforded education, priesthood and ministries are still strictly male-only. To add to theproblem, both the Catholic and the Orthodox Church “assign” various roles to women,believing that the role of men and women in all spheres must remain separate. The Churchconsiders that a woman, “in her deepest and original being, exists “for the others””. Itstereotypes ‘the dispositions of listening, welcoming, humility, faithfulness, praise andwaiting” as feminine traits which women perform “with particular intensity and naturalness”.Thus, the low rates of participation of women in the European parliamentary comes as nosurprise, considering the influence of the Church.In Hinduism, women are given more importance religiously. They are seen as the creators ofthe world and the destroyers of evil. Goddess Shakti is known to be worshipped as the MotherGoddess as she embodies the totality of the energies of the universe. There are many otherforms she is worshipped in, all of them attributing major powers of existence, sustenance,wealth, knowledge, and even destruction to her. This seems like true empowerment, but it isoften twisted by society to exert control over women. The unlimited power and theruthlessness supposedly needs “reigning in” by the men. The fierce behaviour was notapplauded for it’s capability to intimidate and thus, women and their worth was tied to men.Child Marriage, Sati, the Dowry System, the Purdah System,”Honour” Crimes, Infibulation andmany others, question a woman’s autonomy and intellect.For a long time now, the fierceness and freedom of women have been perceived as threats tosociety due to its patriarchal structure. Eve and Pandora were considered the harbingers ofdoom for their mere curiosity, Witch Hunts were a norm to eliminate any woman showing“abnormal” behaviour, Widows were shunned, women were not allowed to work establishingtheir dependency on men, the list goes on.These practices suggest that the woman’s identitysolely connected to the man’s existence and ultimately subjects her to his control.Mythology and Religion are not justification for women’s treatment as second class citizens.Human rights violations cannot be ignored on the pretext of Freedom of Religion, for noreligion decrees men to be superior to women. It is the various social and personalinterpretations which are not the same as Religion, if not concurred by all those affected by it.Practice and Implementation of Religion is solely an individual’s prerogative, without that, it isjust a facade for violation.-Apoorva Panda
The Oppression of women has several bases, none of which can be humanely justified. One ofthem is considered to be Religion. Religious practices are known to have long been inclined tothe patriarchal systems of the society. The key point to know here is that religion and itsperception is based on culture and society, which are known to be patriarchal.The realities of faith and beliefs are to be lived by humans. They cannot be segregated bygender for they are experiences and actions which every individual is entitled and subjected to.It is these instances that religion finds its foundation in. The soul is the matter of concern notthe vessel.And still, Religion is the most commonly given justification for violation of women’s rights.Often, the burden of following rites and rituals falls squarely on the women’s shoulders. Fasts,prayers, ceremonies, etc are very commonly considered to solely be their domain. Severalreligions attribute sexual powers to women, which makes them “lucrative” and “fetching”giving men the power and the suggested right to control them and maintain their “purity” and“sanctity”. This has implications much further than marital relations.Islam is often the prosecuted devil in these discussions. However, the Quran not onlyencourages women to educate themselves but also to live in an unconstrained fashion. Themuch debated Hijab is an active choice according to the Holy Quran, forcing whose donning iscomprehended as a sin. Islam designates the role of the Imam to men exclusively, but apartfrom that, women are encouraged to lead self suffiecient lives, which is often not a privilegethey are afforded. The Sharia Law, which is often the basis of oppression for women, is, againstcommon belief, not applicable as State Law. It is merely a way of life, and cannot be used as anexcuse to limit the possibilities of life for women. To add on, the Islamic Law is determined onthe basis of two sacred Islamic Texts, The Quran and the Sunnah, which is the example of theProphet. A third part of the law determination process is The Ijtihad, the science ofinterpretations and rule making which in all likelihood influenced the thoughts andconceptions of the existing society.In a positive turn, centuries ago, when the society treated women with negligible or even nonexistent regard, Gautam Budhha recognised women as equally rightful parts of society.Certainsects of Buddhism, such as Shin Buddhism, had female founders and later even had women inpositions of leadership and authority. However, Buddhism considers itself a mirror of society,which may be the reason why certain sections still follow a system of exclusive male lineage.Apostle Paul declares in Galatians 3:28 “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longerslave or free, there is no longer male or female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”. The Biblestates that women have the same spiritual gifts as men, leaving no foundations for women tobe barred from holding important positions. However, since men have historically beenafforded education, priesthood and ministries are still strictly male-only. To add to theproblem, both the Catholic and the Orthodox Church “assign” various roles to women,believing that the role of men and women in all spheres must remain separate. The Churchconsiders that a woman, “in her deepest and original being, exists “for the others””. Itstereotypes ‘the dispositions of listening, welcoming, humility, faithfulness, praise andwaiting” as feminine traits which women perform “with particular intensity and naturalness”.Thus, the low rates of participation of women in the European parliamentary comes as nosurprise, considering the influence of the Church.In Hinduism, women are given more importance religiously. They are seen as the creators ofthe world and the destroyers of evil. Goddess Shakti is known to be worshipped as the MotherGoddess as she embodies the totality of the energies of the universe. There are many otherforms she is worshipped in, all of them attributing major powers of existence, sustenance,wealth, knowledge, and even destruction to her. This seems like true empowerment, but it isoften twisted by society to exert control over women. The unlimited power and theruthlessness supposedly needs “reigning in” by the men. The fierce behaviour was notapplauded for it’s capability to intimidate and thus, women and their worth was tied to men.Child Marriage, Sati, the Dowry System, the Purdah System,”Honour” Crimes, Infibulation andmany others, question a woman’s autonomy and intellect.For a long time now, the fierceness and freedom of women have been perceived as threats tosociety due to its patriarchal structure. Eve and Pandora were considered the harbingers ofdoom for their mere curiosity, Witch Hunts were a norm to eliminate any woman showing“abnormal” behaviour, Widows were shunned, women were not allowed to work establishingtheir dependency on men, the list goes on.These practices suggest that the woman’s identitysolely connected to the man’s existence and ultimately subjects her to his control.Mythology and Religion are not justification for women’s treatment as second class citizens.Human rights violations cannot be ignored on the pretext of Freedom of Religion, for noreligion decrees men to be superior to women. It is the various social and personalinterpretations which are not the same as Religion, if not concurred by all those affected by it.Practice and Implementation of Religion is solely an individual’s prerogative, without that, it isjust a facade for violation.-Apoorva Panda